9:15 AM
Our Sunday school hour provides the entire family with a rich and exciting time of Bible teaching. Children’s classes combine songs, Bible stories, crafts, and practical lessons designed to be fun and useful for every day life. Adult classes are used to further promote Christian values for both the individual and families. The Bible truly is a practical book that teaches us how to have success in all areas of life.
10:30 AM
Our worship is an exciting time of Christ-honoring music, fellowship and a solid Bible message from the Word of God. The focus of our service is to give God the glory, to elevate the name of Jesus Christ and to draw hearts closer to Him.
3:30 PM
All are welcome to our Spanish service with English interpretation. A children’s class is also available during service.
5:30 PM
All are welcome to join us as God’s Word is presented to the whole family. Spirited singing, special speakers, missionaries and church fellowships combine to make Sunday nights a great blessing to all.
Join us for mid-week encouragement, fellowship and an uplifting message. Get your spiritual batteries recharged at our Wednesday service.
Our fully staffed nursery is available for all services.
22614 Chancellors Run Road
Great Mills, MD 20634

Visitor Information
Visitor Card: Every new visitor will receive a Visitor Card. We kindly ask that you fill it out and place it in the offering plate during the service or hand it to an usher afterward. This helps us connect with you if you wish and keep you informed about upcoming events.
Schedule: Service times are listed above. Whether you’re running late or need to leave early, we welcome you to be part of the service for as long as you are able. Don’t forget to grab a song book and Bible, if needed, when coming in the auditorium.
Dress Code
What to Wear: While we don’t have a formal dress code, our ministry leaders and church family generally dress in more traditional "Sunday" dress; but our main goal is that you feel welcome and comfortable during your visit!
Children’s Ministry
Sunday School: We offer Sunday School classes for children of all ages during the service. Our teachers are committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment where your children can learn about God’s love and truth.
Nursery: We have a staffed nursery available for infants and toddlers who are fully trained, loving, and background-checked, so you can have peace of mind knowing your little ones are well cared for.
Parking & Accessibility
Parking: Parking is available on-site, with convenient spaces near the entrance for those with mobility needs. Please be patient with our growing pains as parking can get tight at times, but there is always a place for you!
Accessibility: Our facilities are fully accessible, including ramps and seating accommodations.