We are an independent, fundamental, King James Bible believing Baptist Church. We are...
We believe that the winning of souls is the most important endeavor of our church.
We believe in propagating missions at home (Acts 1:8) and abroad (foreign)
(Matthew 28:18-20).
It is our firm conviction that the Lord will come at any moment to receive His own. His coming for the saints precedes the tribulation, after which He will come with His saints to reign (The Millennial Reign) for a thousand years.
We are founded on the Word of God. We believe the Bible is God's inspired, infallible Word. We seek to follow the New Testament pattern.
We believe in the absolute autonomy (self-government) of the local body and that Christ is the head of the church. We believe that the local church should be governed by the authority of God's Word under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.